Thursday, January 3, 2013

Praise Jesus - I'm employed!

A few weeks ago, Jason and I started to consider me getting a full-time job to help offset the expenses of the mission trip, and our future plans. I went and talked to my former boss at Academy about a position that he had available. I noticed that there was a listing for 'Cashier Team Lead' - the same job I had when I was 18. This was naturally appealing because I was familiar with the job, and had already been employed there before, making it that much easier to come back. Since I've had a previous relationship with Russell, my former boss, it would make it easier for me to get the schedule that I desire. (Wednesdays off for Bible Study Fellowship and Jocelyn's Dance, Sunday mornings off for church, and morning shifts while Jocelyn is in pre-school) I am thankful that I found a preschool for Jocelyn that I love, and that I have a trustworthy friend to leave Jocelyn with the rest of the time that both Jason and I are working.

I am so excited that my job will help send us to Moldova, however we still need to fund-raise a good portion of the money that we will need. A large amount of my checks will be going towards childcare and basic living expenses, so I will continue to pray that God will provide all we need to accomplish His Will.

I have done pretty good at not letting the "mommy guilt" attack me. You know - when you tell yourself you're a bad mom for leaving your kids to work, even though that isn't remotely true. I'd be lying if I said that the thought hadn't crossed my mind, but I haven't let it consume me. I keep telling myself, "This is a season. This is temporary."  I want to do all that I can to enable us to follow God's calling, and yes - that even means getting a job!

I am thankful, and truly blessed.

Job updates to come!

Question for the readers: 
~Have you struggled with "mommy guilt?" And if so, what scriptures did you turn to or how did you overcome it?~


Anonymous said...

I read your blog and I wanted you to know that I am praying for you guys and we will help support you in whatever way we can! Your story is has inspired me to also be listening for Gods purpose in our lives not just day to day stuff but to truely live for God in a big way. Keep your head up and stay encouraged though because now that you have said yes to God the devil will be working his hardest! God bless!
Jessica Upton

Unknown said...

Thank you for your kinds words, Jessica! It's awesome to know that God is using me to encourage others.

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